Newly-elected Iowa Democratic Party chair Rita Hart says there’s still a chance national party leaders will relent and let the Iowa Democratic Party’s Caucuses go first in the 2024 presidential election.

“I’m hoping that we have some good news soon on that front, but we’ll continue to keep talking with folks and have those discussions,” Hart said.

This weekend, the Democratic National Committee is scheduled to vote on a 2024 presidential campaign schedule that would prohibit Iowa Democrats from having Caucuses before any other state holds a Democratic primary.

“I think that this week is going to be a very important one for all of us,” Hart said. “…We want to make sure we’re making practical decisions going forward, but this is certainly not a done deal.”

Hart was elected party chair on Saturday. She made her comments this afternoon during an online news conference.

“When I look back at the things that brought me to this political career, one of those things is how I was able to sit in my parent’s home and listen to the Caucuses of both the Republicans and the Democrats that were held in our home,” Hart said. “I think it’s a very rich tradition.”

Hart, who grew up on a farm near Charles City, said her goal is to put her party’s Caucuses in “the best position” possible.

“I’m going to be very focused and engaged as I learn more about where we’re at,” Hart said, “and I look forward to working with other people who’ve been working on this issue for a couple of years.”

Earlier this month a panel of national Democrats chastized New Hampshire Democrats who complained the party’s new election schedule. They say it ignores their state law which requires New Hampshire to hold the nation’s first presidential primary.

Iowa law also requires Democrats and Republicans to hold Caucuses before any other state votes. The Republican National Committee ratified a plan this summer that keeps the Iowa GOP’s Caucuses first as Republicans nominate a presidential candidate in 2024.

Radio Iowa