Eastern Iowa Airport. (photo from airport website)

The Eastern Iowa Airport in Cedar Rapids is in the final stretch of a ten year major construction project.

Airport director Marty Lenss says this $121 million redesign will prepare it for the next 30 years. “About 1.4 million people reside within 70 miles of the Eastern Iowa Airport. So our service territory is really rather large. And so we want it to be something every one of those people can feel very proud of,” Lenss says.

The airport saw a massive drop in passengers in 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic hit its peak. But demand rose by more than 500,000 in 2021. Last year saw the second highest number of passengers on record. And this year, Lenss says the airport is already on target to break records.

“It talks about the health of the economy in eastern Iowa, people are feeling confident businesses are doing well. And we see it in airline passengers,” he says. The last phase of the project will modernize the airport terminal — including four new jet bridges, a larger patio, and a pet relief area.

This final phase will cost $68 million  of the total estimated project cost of  $121 million.

(By Zachary Oren Smith, Iowa Public Radio)

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