Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will headline a fundraiser this Saturday for Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird. Bird, the first Republican in 40 years to serve as Iowa’s attorney general, has appeared with other G-O-P presidential candidates, too.
“When they come to Iowa, I’m glad to show them around, whether that’s showing them around the farm or around the State Fair that’s coming up,” Bird said during a recent appearance on “Iowa Press” on Iowa PBS. “I look forward to hosting all of them.”
A few dozen Republicans in the Iowa legislature have endorsed candidates in the 2024 presidential race, but statewide elected officials have not. “Right now, I am neutral — not endorsing in the Caucuses,” Bird said. “My focus is really on doing the job that I’ve got before me. It’s a big job. I’ve got changes to make since my predecessor had been there for four decades.”
Bird, who defeated incumbent Democrat Tom Miller in last fall’s election, indicatd she may endorse a candidate as the January 15, 2024 Caucuses draw closer. “I’m somebody that loves the Iowa Caucuses. I went to my first caucus when I was just 13, so I think the most important thing about the Caucuses will be about the people who go and show up and vote and persuade their neighbors about who they should vote for,” Bird said. “That’s the beauty of the Caucus.”
Bird, by the way, was a junior delegate when she was a pre-teen attending her first caucus and did not vote.