One of the most-anticipated political events of the year starts in just afew hours as George W. Bush lands in eastern Iowa to begin in earnest hisrace for the presidency his father once held. Iowa Republican PartyChairman Kayne Robinson plans to watch Bush in action Saturday night duringan event at the Iowa State Fairgrounds.Robinson predicts huge turn-out at both fundraisers as Congressmen JimNussle and Greg Ganske are using the events to bankroll their campaigns.Robinson says Bush will be forced to come back to the state and campaign on”Mainstreet Iowa.”All this week Bush’s competitors for the Republican party’s presidentialnomination have questioned his leadership skills and his stands on issues. On Tuesday, Lamar Alexander said the presidency shouldn’t be bought orinherited, it should be earned. On Friday, Gary Bauer said Bush’snomination is NOT inevitable once the candidates begin to “mix it up” on thecampaign trail.

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