Democrat candidate Bill Bradley campaigned in western Iowa this weekend, talking about the upcoming World Trade Organizations meeting. Bradley says American workers who lose their jobs to cheaper labor overseas should get government-financed job training Bradley says environmental standards must be upheld in future trade negotiations. However, Bradley does favor expanded trade deals as a means to economic vitality for this country and others.Bradley campaigned in Sheldon and LeMars on Saturday and in Emmetsburg on Sunday.Utah Senator Orrin Hatch, a candidate for the Republican party’s presidential nomination, is in the state, talking trade, too. Hatch says it’s important to allow China into the World Trade Organizations. But Hatch says U-S foreign policy must be firm, particularly since the Chinese are on the verge of developing military technology which detects U-S stealth aircraftHatch has two speaking engagements this morning in Des Moines before leaving the state.

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