A group called “The Grandparents Gifts Foundation” has released results of a “coloring survey” of elementary schoolers. Foundation Director Peg McCool says kids were asked to draw pictures of what farm life was like for their grandparents and great-grandparents. McCool says the results were alarming.as 70-percent of kids drew images that couldn’t have happened in real life — such as Grandpa driving a big, shiny tractor with a cab, or Grandma using an electric vacuum or an electric stove. Grandparents Gifts is filming a documentary about farm life in the early 1900s. McCool says they have nearly 20 hours of interviews on tape. When finished, they plan to give the video to all Iowa schools. She says school officials are excited about the documentary.McCool says the project is currently, quote, “dead in the water” because of a lack of funding. She says they could have it done in a year if they could get the money.McCool says the project had been funded by the state “Resource Enhancement and Protection Program,” but because of budget cuts, that funding has dried up.For more information, call McCool in Shelby at (712) 483-2406.

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