Actor Kevin Costner will return to northeast Iowa next month to watch a screening of one of his biggest films on the farm where it was shot. The movie rental chain NetFlix says Costner is bringing his band to perform before the showing of “Field of Dreams” on August 11th, a Friday night.

Julie Kronlage, assistant director of the Dyersville Area Chamber of Commerce, says Costner’s appearance guarantees the ballfield in the cornfield will be packed solid with blankets, folding chairs and fans.

Kronlage won’t guess at how big the crowd will be. She says “We can put everybody, everywhere, even if we have to sit right next tight to each other. Everybody’s more than welcome to come and we’ll find a spot for you.” It’ll be Costner’s first time back in Dyersville since the movie’s release in 1989.

Kronlage says the movie has a mystical pull on many people, even those who aren’t big baseball buffs. She says people come to Dyersville from all over the world “and they’re always interested in seeing what the magic is and it’s just actually being there, sitting next to the corn, seeing the ‘ghost players’ come out of the corn in the movie, and wondering ‘will a ghost player appear as I’m sitting here watching the movie?'”

Field of Dreams will play at dusk on a 30-foot inflatable jumbo screen among the cornstalks. There’s no admission charge. For more information, surf to “” or “”

Related web sites:
Field of Dreams info
Field of Dreams info

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