Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo says the U.S. isn’t waging a "war on terror."  We’re involved in a clash of civilizations, according to Tancredo. "Terrorism is a tactic.  It is not the thing with which we are at war," Tancredo told an audience in Grinnell today. "Characterizing it or mischaracterizing it that way is something that we should not do.  We should understand exactly who it is that we are fighting." 

In addition to differing with President Bush over the "war on terror" label, Tancredo labeled the immigration reform bill Bush tried to rally through congress as "amnesty" for illegals.

"I like mavericks, but I like mavericks who are doing what they’re doing in defense of a principle," Tancredo told a reporter for KGRN-AM.  "Just being a maverick — just being somebody that says I’m going to go contrary to where everybody’s just going because I will be viewed as a maverick — that’s not appealing." 

Tancredo campaigned today in Grinnell, speaking with a crowd of about 30 people in the West Side Family Diner.  Tancredo is making stop after stop around the state, hoping to line up supporters for the August 11th Iowa Republican Party Straw Poll in Ames.

"I’m not going to say I’m going to win it.  I don’t have $350 million," Tancredo said, referring to rival Mitt Romney’s personal fortune.  "I don’t have the resources that other folks in this race do…but I think we’re going to be fine.  I don’t have to win.  I just have to do well." 

Tancredo started his day in Pleasantville, spent his mid-day in Grinnell and will spend his evening at the Prairie Moon Vineyard in Ames.  

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