Iowans who are kicking the tires on new vehicles will notice a new type of sticker in the windows this month. All new cars, light trucks, and S-U-Vs produced after September 1st are required to feature a redesigned window sticker. Triple-A-Iowa spokeswoman Rose White says the new stickers are a plus for car-shoppers.

White says: "The new label will allow consumers to make more informed decisions by including the estimated annual cost for fueling the vehicle, how the vehicle’s fuel economy compares to other cars within its class and a website to go to for more information." She says Iowans who are particularly concerned about gas mileage will be glad to see that feature on the new stickers.

White says: "The changes coincide with the adoption of new methods to determine the miles-per-gallon rating that appear on the stickers. The new methods, which took effect for model year 2008 vehicles, will bring miles-per-gallon estimates closer to a vehicle’s actual fuel use by including factors such as driving at high speeds, accelerating aggressively, air conditioning use and driving in cold temperatures."

She says by making these changes, motorists will have a more realistic idea of their fuel performance before they buy the car. White says taking the Environmental Protection Agency’s fuel economy information into account when vehicle-shopping can help consumers save money while cutting down on air pollution. For more about the new labels the EPA website.

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