Iowa sees its share of severe storms that wipe out cell towers, power lines and internet connections, which would leave many people cut off — if not for ham radio operators. This is Amateur Radio Week in Iowa, a time to recognize the people who can still get messages out in times of trouble.

Juan Trujillo is an amateur radio operator in Webster City. “This whole week especially gives us the opportunity to test our equipment, our ability to provide to anyone who needs it communications,” Trujillo says.

“In a state of emergency, disaster, you name it, hopefully we’ll be ready to provide communication wherever it’s needed.” Trujillo will join amateur radio operators across the nation and world in a Field Day operation on Saturday.

It will be a 24-hour-long demonstration on the capabilities of amateur radio — using no electricity from wall outlets. “So we will use battery, generators, solar power, all different types of power to provide energy to our equipment,” Trujillo says.

“We will set up emergency antennas and be a part of the national emergency drill.” Learn more about the Field Day drill by visiting:

By Pat Powers, KQWC, Webster City

Radio Iowa