Military leaders from a nation that was once part of the “Evil Empire” arebeing escorted through Iowa’s military bases, farms and fairs this week.Iowa National Guard Colonel Bob King is hosting the delegation from theformer Soviet city-state of Stavropol.Colonel King says the visitors will also be taken to Camp Dodge, the StarcArmory and they’ll get a tour of the 132nd Fighter Wing at Des Moines, homebase for the Guard’s F-16 attack jets. King says it’s amazing how relationshave changed between our nations in recent years.King says the delegation includes civilian & military leaders fromStavropol, including the city-state’s deputy mayor and three colonels. Kingsays this is a visit to promote friendship and understanding, but thevisitors won’t be given access to any of our military secrets.The group is touring a variety of attractions this week, including a hogfarm, a golf course, a shopping mall and the Iowa State Fair.

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