The longest-serving member on the state board that oversees the operation of the Iowa Lottery is retiring.

Mary Junge is a certified public accountant and practicing tax attorney from Cedar Rapids who didn’t expect to end up with the longest tenure on the Lottery Board when she started in May of 1999. “It just happened I guess, it’s just I came to enjoy it so much it was something so different than what I was doing in my work,” she says “… and the knowledge just kept building year after year and then…. it takes a while to really think that you kind of understand what’s going on. And then you get to that point and you want to continue to contribute.”

She served the first time until 2014 and then was off the board for a time before being reappointed in 2016. Junge says a lot changed through those 23 or so years. “Technology and just the, I mean I was just commenting to some people just the changing locations…first there was the really old building on Grand Avenue and then moved into the Insurance building and then here, all that progression and the growth that went with that,” Junge says.

She says there’s one thing she will really miss about being on the Lottery Board. “Well definitely the people, I mean you can’t be on the board this long and that develop friendships and relationships with people here it’s just been really monumental,” Junge says.

Junge was honored at this week’s Lottery Board meeting. Iowa Lottery CEO Matt Strawn told Junge the Iowa Lottery is grateful and it “is stronger and improved because of your service.”

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