Iowans who drive pick-up trucks, vans and S-U-V’s may be at risk of notseeing any NEW models roll off the production lines. Congress is consideringa significant raise in fuel efficiency requirements on heavier vehicles.Diane Steed is president of the non-profit Washington D-C-based group called “Coalition for Vehicle Choice.” She says if Congress forces automakers tomeet tougher fuel efficiency requirements, it’s the consumers who’ll pay theprice, in many ways.Steed says 31 U-S Senators are on-record supporting higher fuel efficiencystandards, including Iowa democrat Tom Harkin. She says if the new standardspass, it could virtually eliminate an entire class of vehicles, like largerpickup trucks, big vans & S-U-V’s. While Harkin favors the tougher standards, Steed says Iowa republicanSenator Chuck Grassley has not yet announced where he stands on the issue.

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