A doll dressed as First Lady Christie Vilsack in her inaugural gown was unveiled at a ceremony today at the State Capitol Building. The Christie Vilsack doll is part of a display developed by former First Lady Billie Ray for the nation’s bicentennial celebration. A doll depicting of each of Iowa’s First Ladies, wearing her inaugural gown, is displayed in a glass case on the first floor of the Capitol building. Vilsack was happy with the doll wearing a replica of her blue satin dress.The State Historical Society had ten extra dolls made back in 1976 in anticipation of future First Ladies. But Vilsack’s is only the second one they had to pull out of storage. Vilsack says her inaugural gown is very special to her as it made her feel like Cinderella as she danced at the inaugural ball.Vilsack says she’d like to see a female governor and a male doll join the case some time in the future.

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