The U-S-D-A is naming Iowa as one of ten states in the U-S that’ll be accredited to certify organic food production. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Patty Judge says the designation will give producers the option of working a little harder to make a lot more money with a more desirable product.She says many of Iowa’s international trading partners are demanding federal certification of organic products, especially soybeans headed for the Asian market. Judge says organic foods are a value-added product that sell for a premium price. She explains that organic food products have been grown without chemicals, herbicides or pesticides. They’re grown as close to “totally naturally” as possible with very strict rules. Judge explains why it’s so important that the U-S-D-A will let Iowa certify its own organic producers, starting in late October. She says it allows the state to certify the products and the state seal will be recognized as a federal designation.Judge says many consumers consider organic fruits and vegetables their “food of choice.” Iowa’s the only Midwestern state chosen by U-S-D-A for the list, along with: Idaho, Maryland, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Washington.

Radio Iowa