The Trump campaign event on Friday, January 5 will not be on the Dordt University campus as originally announced and has been moved to an event center in Sioux Center.

Dordt University has released a statement, saying these kind of campaign events are “intended to be educational” and include questions “directly from Dordt students to the candidates.” Dordt officials say they were under the impression nothing would not be publicized until a format was agreed to, but the Trump campaign is planning a rally in Sioux Center and the visions Dordt and the Trump campaign had for the event were “incongruent.”

Earlier this month, Iowa Congressman Randy Feenstra hosted four presidential candidates at a forum on the Dordt campus and students submitted questions. In January of 2016, Trump spoke to a crowd on the Dordt campus and delivered the oft-quoted line that he could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue” in New York and shoot somebody “and not lose any voters.”

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